Check for maximum in /scoreboard?

2 min read 25-09-2024
Check for maximum in /scoreboard?

Checking for Maximum Scores in Minecraft with Scoreboards

Scoreboards are a powerful tool in Minecraft, allowing you to track and manipulate various player stats. But what if you need to find the player with the highest score? Let's explore how to check for the maximum value in a Minecraft scoreboard.

The Challenge: Finding the Maximum Score

Imagine you have a scoreboard called "points" tracking player scores in a game. You want to determine the player with the highest "points" value. While scoreboards can't directly tell you the maximum value, we can use some clever command tricks to achieve this.

Here's a common approach:

/scoreboard players set #max points 0
/execute as @a run scoreboard players operation #max points > @s points

The issue with this code:

The above code aims to set a dummy player #max to the highest score found, but it has a key problem: it sets #max to the first player's score. If the second player has a higher score, it will overwrite the previous #max value without comparing the two scores.

A Solution Using Conditional Execution

To solve this, we need to ensure that the #max score is only updated if the current player's score is indeed higher. We can achieve this by using conditional execution within our commands:

/scoreboard players set #max points 0
/execute as @a if score @s points > #max points run scoreboard players set #max points @s points


  1. Initialize #max: We start by setting the score of a dummy player #max to 0.
  2. Loop through players: The execute as @a command iterates through all players.
  3. Conditional Check: if score @s points > #max points checks if the current player's score is higher than the current #max score.
  4. Update #max: If the condition is true, the scoreboard players set #max points @s points command updates the #max score to the current player's score.

This modified code will accurately identify the player with the highest score by comparing each player's score with the current #max value.

Practical Applications

Beyond determining the highest score, this method can be adapted for various purposes:

  • Top 3 Players: You can create dummy players for the top 3 positions and adjust the conditional logic to track the top scores.
  • Leaderboards: Create dynamic leaderboards for different game modes or categories.
  • Automated Rewards: Trigger events like giving rewards to players with the highest scores.

Additional Tips

  • Naming: Choose descriptive names for your dummy players like #max_points, #top_score, or #leaderboard_1 for better readability.
  • Efficiency: If you're working with a large number of players, consider using additional optimization techniques to improve command execution speed.

By understanding how to work with scoreboards and conditional execution, you can unlock a wide range of possibilities in your Minecraft world. Feel free to experiment and find creative ways to utilize scoreboards for your own projects!